Teachers and Staff





The teaching staff of the Forest Engineering course comprises more than 100 master professors and doctors, who directly offer the curricular subjects to students. Among these, 23 teachers make up the Department of Forestry Sciences, which are responsible for offering disciplines, internships, carrying out scientific research and social contribution, through the university extension.
In addition, the Department of Forestry Sciences has more than 35 collaborators for the technical assistance of research and extension projects and the maintenance of the infrastructure used by students.



Adriana Maria Nolasco

"I'm acting with furniture technologies and forest residues"

Antonio Natal Gonçalves

"My job seeks to understand how trees works"

Ciro Abbud Righi

"I'm doing research on how to plant diferent species in the same place - Agroforestry Systems"

Demóstenes Ferreira da Silva Filho

"I'm working with trees management in urban areas"

Edson José Vidal da Silva

"I'm researching ways to work on tropical forests"

Fernando Seixas

“I work on harvesting and transportation”

Francides Gomes da Silva Junior

"I act with wood quality and celulose production, paper, biorefinery and bioproducts"

Geraldo Bortoletto Junior

"I search technology for wood fibreboards production"

Hilton Thadeu Zarate Couto

"I work on quantitive measurements of forests"

Ivaldo Pontes Jankowsky

"I search on wood physical caracteristics for drying and preservation"

João Luís Ferreira Batista

"I act with forest measurement and quantitive ecologic analysis"

José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves

" I search on soil and forest nutrients"

José Nivaldo Garcia

" I work on processing processes and  on wood structure"

Katia Maria Paschoaletto Micchi de Barros Ferraz

"I search on ecology and forest animal conservation"

Luciana Duque Silva

" I work with forest implantation and management"

Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez

"I lead with economy and forest planning"

Marcos Sorrentino

"I work with environmental education"

Mário Tommaziello Filho

"I search on anatomy and wood species identification"

Pedro Henrique Santin Brancalion

"I search ways to plant native trees"

Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz

"I search the relation between water and forests"

Teresa Cristina Magro

"I work with natural preserved areas"

Weber Antonio Neves do Amaral

"I search informations on tree's genetic and sustainable practice"